
Apr 2010

Technical Translation: Vital accuracy, specialised terminology

Without even noticing it everyday we are confronted with technical translation. From the reading of  product instructions to the user’s guide of a newly-bought computer, it is the accuracy provided, the use of the relevant and specialized terminology that provide us with a complete understanding of what we are reading. The availability of products we use in various languages has become so common by now that we almost forget that it  has once been different.

Technical translation is present in many areas of our day-to-day personal and professional life, the current development of technology, IT, medicine or even aerospace and the spread of these developments around the world make the need for translations more urgent. Everyday, a greater number of documentations is directed to users from different countries such as operator guides, installation manuals but also contract, business agreements or arrangements, this communication has to be fast, precise, specialized.

Whatever the area, the sector of activities or the industry the success of a technical translation lies in the use of the relevant terminology, specific terms must be entirely understood. Each product or technical explanation has its own vocabulary, each sector or industry its own glossary. Specific procedures that need to be followed must be perfectly explained and thus perfectly translated . Accuracy is vital when, for instance, the translation of a medical device manual is at stake.

When conducting business, what you are looking for is to be clearly and fully comprehended by your client and this is where technical translation plays a very important role. This mutual understanding can only be reached through the precise translation of the technical terms which must be provided by professional translators, selected according to their areas of expertise. The mastery of the terminology of the targeted sector is essential for an ideal result.

An inaccurate translation of a user guide, online aids or a contract can lead to a misapplication of your product or a more annoying problem between the parties of a contract and can have serious consequences. To avoid any difficulties and misunderstanding we guarantee that each translation will be directed to the translator, specializing in the relevant field.

We can provide you with technical translation in a multitude of sectors; among them, civil engineering, telecom, new technology, automotive engineering, energy, medical etc. This is not an all- comprehensive list of the sectors we work with, so do not hesitate to contact us for any requirement you may need in a given sector.

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