
Jul 2010

Foreign language training

This was in the past something only the “big” companies did, something that was out of reach for smaller companies for many reasons; it was not only too expensive but usually also irrelevant because smaller firms sold locally and didn’t need to be able to communicate the benefits of their products to non-native consumers.

However, now, because of the internet local products can be sold internationally at a fairly cheap price, giving small businesses the chance to tap into a larger, more lucrative market. It is unfortunate then that, given this tremendous opportunity, many still don’t take advantage of this new market. There are many reasons; namely that many companies do not know how to communicate with their overseas customers or – also often the case – they wrongly believe that they do. This is a fatal trap by which their corporate message is lost in translation. The insurgence of SMEs requiring apt communication with their non-English speaking clients at home and abroad has resulted in more affordable and flexible Foreign Language Training  being offered.

Rife economic growth clearly visible in Asia, particularly in China, has opened up many opportunities for companies, particularly large firms with the funds to contribute to improving the country’s infrastructure. As is always the case with opportunities though, threats are never very far behind. One example of this lies in the complexity of Chinese, completely alien to most companies. So what must they do when attempting to penetrate this market? They call on the expertise of specialists in foreign language training to teach them all they need to know. Via tailored in-company tuition and courses, specialist language training companies can facilitate successful communication with potential clients and partners.

Foreign language training isn’t a new concept; it is in fact a very established business need. Considering the vast improvements made within communication technology over the years – internet, wireless, email, Smartphones, Web 2.0s, online networking – the necessity to communicate in a foreign language with people all over the world has gained massive importance. And so formal in-company training is now a popular and essential requirement for the international success of large companies. While it may not be essential (yet) for smaller firms it is becoming increasingly recognised as an important step to take towards getting a foot onto the world stage.



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